You Are Sent

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” ~ Romans 10:14-15

We take short-term mission trips throughout the year to work alongside our partners around the world to see the gospel spread to all nations. These trips range anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks and focus on evangelism outreach, discipleship training, medical outreach, kids ministry, construction, and more. All trips are open to you regardless of what campus you attend.

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London, England- Redeemer Queens Park

Adults 18+

Join us as we serve alongside Redeemer Queens Park, a church plant in London, England, and partner with their church to reach London with the gospel. Redeemer QP exists to help connect Jesus to people, people to community, and community to mission. We’ll be participating in a week-long initiative called Reach London where we’ll engage in evangelism and city prayer walking, receive training from local pastors and missionaries on living missionally in a global city, and provide support through relational care to the Redeemer QP staff and church members.

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Adults 18+
3/13/2025 to 3/23/2025
Deadline: 1/17/2025

Join us in Thailand as we partner with the International Mission Board on a medical mission where we’ll work with long-term missionaries to host a medical clinic for community members. Meeting these physical needs will help provide an opportunity to meet the greater spiritual need of hearing the gospel.

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Henderson County Sent Week

3/17/2025 to 3/19/2025
Deadline: 3/17/2025

In Acts, we see the call to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. We believe that the places where you go to school, work, and play are on purpose for a purpose. There are people in your circle who desperately need to hear the hope of the Gospel. However, it can be hard to know where to start. Throughout Sent Week you will be trained on how we, as the church, can love those in our community who are living in poverty, while learning how to share the good news of the Gospel. Then, you will get hands-on experience to be the hands and feet of Jesus where you live. We believe God is inviting you to be a part of the work He is doing in the lives of people in Western North Carolina and to the ends of the Earth!

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Transylvania County Sent Week

4/14/2025 to 4/16/2025
Deadline: 4/14/2025

In Acts, we see the call to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. We believe that the places where you go to school, work, and play are on purpose for a purpose. There are people in your circle who desperately need to hear the hope of the Gospel. However, it can be hard to know where to start. Throughout Sent Week you will be trained on how we, as the church, can love those in our community who are living in poverty, while learning how to share the good news of the Gospel. Then, you will get hands-on experience to be the hands and feet of Jesus where you live. We believe God is inviting you to be a part of the work He is doing in the lives of people in Western North Carolina and to the ends of the Earth!

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Buncombe County Sent Week

4/14/2025 to 4/16/2025
Deadline: 4/13/2025

In Acts, we see the call to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. We believe that the places where you go to school, work, and play are on purpose for a purpose. There are people in your circle who desperately need to hear the hope of the Gospel. However, it can be hard to know where to start. Throughout Sent Week you will be trained on how we, as the church, can love those in our community who are living in poverty, while learning how to share the good news of the Gospel. Then, you will get hands-on experience to be the hands and feet of Jesus where you live. We believe God is inviting you to be a part of the work He is doing in the lives of people in Western North Carolina and to the ends of the Earth!

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South Asia

Adults 18+
4/27/2025 to 5/6/2025
Deadline: 1/3/2025

This team will serve alongside missionaries on the mission field in South Asia to share the gospel with nonbelievers and train local pastors working among an unengaged, unreached people group. We’ll be working with a missionary organization that focuses on proclaiming the gospel among people and places where He is not known.

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Dylan Crawford (Leader) Donate To A Participant
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Summer Project 2025

College (18-23)
6/1/2025 to 7/11/2025
Deadline: 3/1/2025

Summer Project is a 6-week discipleship opportunity for anyone college aged (18-23 y/o) who wants to grow in their love for Jesus, the local church, and the mission of God. During Summer Project, participants will get hands on experience in Asheville, New York City, and Southeast Asia on what it looks like to leverage their lives for the gospel and glory of God.

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Los Angeles, California

High School Students
6/14/2025 to 6/20/2025
Deadline: 1/12/2025

Join us as we partner with Send Relief. Send Relief is committed to strengthening the surrounding communities by caring for the large refugee population, protecting children and families, and fighting human trafficking and homelessness. By partnering with various churches, the Los Angeles United School District, and local organizations, the ministry center: -Hosts food distributions -Raises awareness about the epidemic of trafficking -Provides temporary housing for trafficked survivors -Mobilizes churches to compassion work -Helps refugees acclimate to their new home

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Puerto Rico

High School Students
6/14/2025 to 6/20/2025
Deadline: 1/12/2025

Join us as we serve alongside Send Relief and partner with them in their mission to meet physical and spiritual needs around the world in Jesus’ name. On this trip, we will have a strong emphasis on compassion ministry and construction. In an effort to reach the community, we will engage in evangelism, prayer walking, meal distribution outreach, and rebuilding churches and homes.

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New York City

High School Students
6/16/2025 to 6/23/2025
Deadline: 1/12/2025

Join us as we serve alongside missionaries on the field in New York to share the gospel with Mideast/North African Muslims during their shifting week. Shifting week is a week focused on shifting the community for the glory of God through evangelism. With this focus on evangelism, we hope you’ll join in the effort to reach people and places where God is not known.

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Middlesbrough, England

High School Students
6/19/2025 to 6/27/2025
Deadline: 1/12/2025

Join us as we serve alongside churches on the field in Middlesbrough, England as we evangelize, serve in compassion ministry, and witness in schools. Evangelism in a postmodern context will involve a heavy emphasis on apologetics in an effort to reach a nation where Jesus is viewed as only a historical figure.

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Atlanta, Georgia

Middle School Students
6/21/2025 to 6/27/2025
Deadline: 1/12/2025

Join us as we serve alongside our church plant, Image Church, in Atlanta, Georgia as we share the Gospel through an adventure week and sports camp for kids in the community. We’ll be coming alongside the work that Image is doing by facilitating groups, leading games, teaching songs, and fundamental sports techniques.

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Adults 18+
7/20/2025 to 7/29/2025
Deadline: 3/31/2025

Send Relief is partnering with Hungarian Baptist Aid and a local pastor in Ukraine to plant a new church in the city of Berehove, Ukraine. A unique opportunity has presented itself to host a kids/family camp for children in Ukraine before they start the school year in the fall. As short-term teams join in, they will help primarily with facilitating a VBS type camp for kids and families.

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South Asia

Adults 18+
9/4/2025 to 9/13/2025
Deadline: 5/7/2025

This team will serve alongside missionaries on the mission field in South Asia to share the gospel with nonbelievers and train local pastors working among an unengaged, unreached people group. We’ll be working with a missionary organization that focuses on proclaiming the gospel among people and places where He is not known.

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Adults 18+
9/4/2025 to 9/13/2025
Deadline: 5/7/2025

Join us as we serve alongside Okoa Refuge and partner with them in their mission to glorify Christ by stabilizing the family unit and transforming entire communities with the Gospel. On this trip, we will have a strong focus on evangelism through various activities like hospital visits, prison ministry, children’s ministry, and medical clinics. There will also be opportunity for construction, such as building mud houses, painting, and repairs.

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New York City - Park Slope Community Church

Adults 18+
10/13/2025 to 10/17/2025
Deadline: 6/15/2025

Join us in Brooklyn, New York as we partner with Park Slope Community Church in their mission to be a church that cultivates deep roots in Christ and demonstrates active love for their neighbors. This team will focus on helping renew a 150 year old church building that Park Slope Community Church calls home through demolition work, a stairwell repair, and prayer walking in their community.

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Adults 18+
10/16/2025 to 10/25/2025
Deadline: 5/19/2025

Join us as we serve in Kenya alongside our church partner, Mercy Nairobi, and partner with them in their desire and mission to see a Gospel awakening that is carried to the ends of the earth. On this trip, we will have a strong focus on evangelism, ministering through various activities in children’s homes, sharing discipleship lessons in elementary and high schools, and outreach in college campuses.

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Jacksonville, FL - Mission City Church

Adults 18+
10/23/2025 to 10/26/2025
Deadline: 5/26/2025

Join us as we serve alongside Mission City Church in Jacksonville, Florida, as we spend a long weekend caring for their team, helping them prepare for their community outreach event, Boo Bash, and serving in Kids ministry on Sunday morning.

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Adults 18+
11/6/2025 to 11/13/2025
Deadline: 7/9/2025

Join us as we serve alongside the IMB in Guadalajara, Mexico where we’ll spend the week with a missionary team, sharing the gospel with individuals that live around a new church plant that is focusing on evangelism outreach. A key part of a growing church plant is evangelism and we get to play a part of that while there.

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